Using the Library
Free library cards are available to all residents and property owners in Ritzville Library District #2, as well as all students in the Lind and Ritzville School Districts. Application forms are available at the front desk. You will need photo ID and verification of your current address such as: current Washington State ID, current Washington State driver's license or automobile registration, printed checks, or utility bill (dated within the past 30 days).
Those living outside of Ritzville Library District #2 (including residents within the city boundaries of Lind and Washtucna) can purchase a non-resident library card for $20 annually.
Not only does your library card allow for full borrowing privileges of the more than 50,000 items we have in our collection, but you can also download free eBooks and audiobooks from the Washington Anytime Library, access free research databases from home or borrow a book from another library using Interlibrary Loan.
Learn more about your library card here.
Our collection includes books of all genres for any age, DVDs, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Items can be checked out for 2 weeks and you can check out up to 25 items at a time, including up to 5 audiovisual items (DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks) and 10 periodicals (magazines and newspapers).
See our Circulation Policy for more information.
If the item you want is currently checked out or if you'd like an item set aside for you until the next time you make it down to the library, you can place a hold on it. To do so, call the library at 509-659-1222 or email us with your request. There is a limit of 5 hold requests per patron.
When your item becomes available, we'll contact you to let you know that it has been set aside for you at the front desk. Books on hold will remain on the hold shelf for one week after we've notified you. If someone else is picking up library materials for you, please have that person bring your library card.
Items checked out on your account can be renewed up to two times if not on hold for another patron. Items will not be renewed automatically and it is up to you keep track of your due dates. You can renew an item one of three ways:
- Call the library at 509-659-1222
- Email the library
- Log in to your account, click the "Manage Renewals" button, check the box for the item you want to renew, then click the "Renew" button and you're done!
If you want to renew an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) item, contact the library at least 3 days before the item is due. ILL items can't always be renewed and some lending libraries have started charging fines for overdue ILL items.
We do not charge overdue fines but hope that you will return items on time so others in our community can borrow them, too.
We charge fees for lost and damaged items, and to replace items that are more than 60 days overdue.
Borrowing and computer usage privileges of patrons owing $5.00 or more are suspended until payment is made.
See our Circulation Policy for more information.
There are 3 computers available for the public to use. You do not need to have a library card to use a computer, but you must sign in at the front desk first. Computers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Computer use is limited to 30 minutes at a time when other patrons are waiting to use the computers. The only exception is for patrons working on a project, test, school assignment, etc., and who have prior approval of the library staff.
All computers can access the Internet and have Office 2010 software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). All computers are connected to public printer. Black and white copies are $0.15/page and color copies are $0.25/page.
Wi-fi is available for free throughout the library. The name of the network is "RitzLib-Wifi" and there is no password required to log on.
Learn more about using a public computer here.