Outreach Services
The Library provides the following outreach services to the community at no charge.
Services to Residential Facilities
Library staff are available to visit local nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and group homes. We can read to residents or deliver library materials, including Large Print books and audiobooks on CD.
Services to Child Care Facilities
Storytimes offered in licensed child care facilities and preschools introduce children to the library and encourage them to become regular readers and library users. The programs are 20-30 minutes in length and are designed for children ages 2-6. Small collections of library materials on specific subjects are also available to the facilities.
Talking Book and Braille Services
The Library can assist patrons with establishing eligibility with the Seattle-based Washington Talking Book & Braille Library. Cassette tape versions of popular books and magazines, tape players, and Braille materials are all available through the mail at no cost. Materials are also available for children and teens. This service is available to those who are:
- legally blind
- deaf-blind
- visually impaired (cannot easily read normal print)
- physically handicapped (cannot comfortably hold books or turn pages)
- learning disabled due to organic dysfunction