Make a Donation
We accept donations of books, DVDs, and other items! Donated items may be added to the library collection in keeping with our Collection Development Policy and Gifts & Donations Policy. Items that are not added to the library collection are given to the Friends of the Library for sale at their annual book sale with proceeds benefitting the Library.
We do not accept:
- Musty, smoky, or moldy items
- Damaged or dirty items
- Readers Digest condensed books
- Encyclopedias or textbooks
- Magazines and journals, with some exceptions (see below)
Donations may be dropped off at the Library during normal business hours. If you have a large donation or need help unloading your donation, contact the Library at 509-659-1222.
Donating Magazine Subscriptions
Contact the Library at 509-659-1222 if you are interested in donating a magazine gift subscription. We also accept single issues of popular magazines titles printed within the last two months.
Donating Materials as a Memorial
We'll gladly add materials to the Library collection in memory of someone. In this situation, we prefer to add new materials that we purchase using donated money. We appreciate input from the donors as to what materials to purchase, and will also place a bookplate in the item acknowledging the donation. If you are interested in donating in this way, please contact the Library at 509-659-1222.
Donating Money or Valuable Property as a Memorial
If you are interested in donating money or valuable property to assist in creating a permanent source of funds for the Library, please email Library Foundation President Thomas Pulliam or vist the Library Foundation website.
Amazon Smile
Do you shop on Amazon? Go to Amazon Smile and choose Ritzville Library Foundation - for every eligible purchase you make, we'll get 0.5% for the library!